Roots: Celebrating 25 Years
The Saga of a Television Classic

Overnight in January 1977, the miniseries ROOTS became a television and social phenomenon permanently altering the national dialogue on slavery, race and culture. It remains the third highest-rated program in television history.

ROOTS—CELEBRATING 25 YEARS, a NBC prime time spcial, takes a look back at the controversial and groundbreaking miniseries event, and a look forward at its enduring legacy here at home, and around the world. Original cast members including LeVar Burton, Dr. Maya Angelou, Leslie Uggams, Ed Asner, Richard Roundtree and Ben Vereen take us behind the scenes and share their vivid memories, while a dynamic and diverse mix of ordinary folks and celebrities, such as Will Smith and Larry King, comment on the show’s social impact and the ways that ROOTS touched them personally. Woven throughout the film are dramatic clips from the miniseries along with poignant interviews, stock footage, photographs and the powerful story of one North Carolina woman, Dorothy Redford, and her journey of self-discovery.

ROOTS—Celebrating 25 Years has been honored with First Place—the Gold Camera Award in the documentary category at the U.S. International Film and Video Festival, a Finalist Award in The New York Festivals, and the film was recently accepted in the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival.


1 x 1 hour

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